Friday, April 13, 2012

Tennant Abandons ec-H20 Advertising Claims

Nilfisk-Advance recently announced that ongoing efforts to expose Tennant’s misleading advertising claims regarding the performance of its ec-H20 technology have resulted in Tennant’s abandonment of those claims.

Upon launch of its ec-H20 technology, Tennant for years widely boasted on its website and in its marketing materials that “ec-H20 converts water into a powerful detergent.” Following the public disclosure of extensive third-party scientific testing that concluded ec-H20 performs no better than plain tap water, Tennant modified its advertising claim to “ec-H20 converts water into a superior cleaning solution.” Recently, Tennant has even abandoned that claim, and no longer asserts in its advertising that ec-H20 is a “powerful” or “superior” cleaning solution. Tennant has not produced any reliable and independent scientific evidence that proves that its ec-H20 technology cleans floor surfaces better than plain tap water, or as well as chemical detergents.

Industry critique of Tennant’s false claims first publicly surfaced when Nilfisk-Advance announced the results of independent testing November 2010, December 2010 and March 2011. Other industry players also questioned the veracity of Tennant’s claims, including industry leaders Diversey and Karcher. Karcher, a German company, has also brought legal action in Belgium, Germany and the United Kingdom against Tennant alleging misleading advertising. Those proceedings are pending, and a decision in the German case is expected in late April 2012.

Read the full release here:

Stay tuned for more news about this topic!

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