Whether you rely on an in-house staff or a building service contractor to clean your school’s floors, there’s never been a better time to know what successes other facility managers are experiencing and how you might improve on your own current practices. Innovation to better clean carpeted floors, improved cleaning productivity, incredible cost savings—these are just a few recent stories we’ve gathered from across the country about how Advance is revolutionizing the way schools clean.
Going soft on floors, but tough on clean.
The first school that reached out had recently started leveraging the power of the Advance ES4000™ carpet cleaner. This versatile riding machine provides a total carpet care solution, eliminating the need for multiple machines and enhancing productivity up to 400% compared to walk-behind extractors. It performs daily cleaning, low-moisture cleaning, restorative extraction and more—all at a quiet decibel level no louder than a person speaking.
For education facilities with significant carpeted space, the capabilities of the ES4000 allow you to maintain a high level of clean, even in high traffic areas. The school, in this instance, is deriving maximum benefits from the versatility of the ES4000. The multi-purpose platform allows them to use a single machine to conduct daily cleaning as well as periodic touch ups and deep extraction. Not only will the ES4000 allow the district to maintain a healthy, clean environment for its students and faculty, it will also extend the life of the carpet—ultimately helping the district to save money.
Standing up for productivity.
The second story came from a school district that took the Advance SC1500™ standup scrubber with REV™ orbital scrubbing technology for a spin—and loved it. The REV system is known industry-wide for providing uniform, deep-scrubbing performance and even single-pass, chemical-free floor finish removal.
Reporting steadily rising levels of production—including hallways getting cleaned more frequently and dreaded floor projects becoming simpler, safer tasks—this particular facility manager has since made the SC1500 with REV a mainstay throughout the entire school district.
Getting REVved up about cost-savings and safety.
The final story came out of a school district in Texas where operation managers were also discovering the power of REV technology. With 152 classrooms in their high school, every hour of labor and gallon of chemical added up to significant costs. Fortunately, once they adopted REV equipment, things started changing right away: stripping one classroom floor went from requiring three people and 1.5 hours to one person needing only a half hour. The resulting labor savings was over 85 percent!
In addition, in the previous year there had been three slip and fall incidents, which cost the district $70,000. With REV’s chemical-free floor stripping, no such instances occurred and the district actually finished three weeks early—saving on both wages and air conditioning costs too.
Wrapping up
Schools will always prove to be challenging environments to clean: high traffic, tight turnarounds and tough budgets are only a few of the many considerations operations managers regularly make. But as a primary solutions provider for educational facilities nationwide, Advance is finding that, as more schools share their successes in best practices for cleaning, the better off everyone will be. To learn more about Advance cleaning solutions for education, visit www.advance-us.com.